Always in My Heart Read online

Page 12

  “No. Of course not. But we do want you to eat. So come on over before the food cools all the way down. They packed it in these insulated bags but in another couple of minutes we’ll need to throw it in the microwave,” he said.

  There was no way to get out of this without being “good” as Makai had instructed. So Eva moved over to the couch and took a seat.

  “What did you get?”

  He pulled off the plastic lids to show her and Eva moaned. “I love shrimp and grits.”

  “Good. I wasn’t sure, but I decided to go with something I liked and something my mother always enjoys when she goes to Lucien’s,” Rico told her.

  “I hope she enjoys the grits because they’re perfect,” she said after accepting the container and fork he gave her and taking the first bite.

  He took a forkful, chewed, swallowed and agreed. “You’re right, they are. I’ll be sure to tell her that Lucien’s is still keeping up the tradition.”

  For the next few minutes they ate in total silence. Rico taking a seat in the recliner next to the couch, and Eva keeping her distance. He was thinking and so was she. He didn’t know what to say. Neither did she. It was all so ridiculous. They were adults. They’d had sex and now they were having a meal. They could damn sure have a conversation.

  “Why did you come here tonight?” she asked him, because there was no sense ignoring the elephant in the room.

  He’d just finished his grits and the last of the dirty rice. Using a napkin he wiped his hands and mouth. He put it down and then sat back in the chair, raising his gaze to her.

  “There was no place else I wanted to go,” he replied.

  Eva didn’t know what to say to that.

  “I wanted to call you to congratulate you on booking the show,” he continued. “Actually, I typed an email and I was going to send it to you, but I didn’t. It’s still in my draft folder.”

  He chuckled at that, but she didn’t find it funny.

  Probably because she had a draft text message still on her phone that she’d been about to send him the day Nadja had come to visit her.

  “I wanted to contact you too,” she admitted. Finished with her food she put the container on the table and folded her legs under her on the couch. “When, ah, Nadja, she came to see me and—”

  “Wait a minute,” Rico said sitting up in the chair. “She told you what she tried to do?”

  Eva nodded. “Yeah, she told me and I told her I’d go to the police and charge her with assault and tell them what she was attempting if she didn’t call it off.”

  He looked like he was thinking about something. No, he looked angry as a muscle twitched in his jaw before he spoke tightly. “Assault? What did she do to you?”

  With a wave of her hand Eva said quickly, “She grabbed my tit and I busted her lip.”

  “You punched her?”

  “What? You’re surprised I know how to defend myself? I take my clothes off in front of hundreds of men a night, the last thing I need is someone following me out of the club and getting too touchy-feely or worse, violent. So I took self-defense classes right after I started dancing and I carry a blade in my purse. Since she was in my apartment and I was dressed for a meeting I figured simple hand-to-hand was the best form of attack.”

  This time when he laughed, Eva couldn’t help but smile. She liked the sound of his laughter. He looked so relax in that moment, his eyes even twinkling a bit as the smile had spread across his face.

  “I’ll bet she didn’t figure that would happen,” he told her when he’d finally regained his composure.

  Eva couldn’t help it, she was smiling too. “No. She was pretty surprised when I knocked her on her ass. Even more shocked when I told her I’d press charges. But she left and when I didn’t hear anymore from her or see her at the club I figured she’d changed her mind.” She took a deep breath and sobered a bit. “I’m really sorry that she was going to try and do that to you and your family.”

  Rico was already shaking his head. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “If you hadn’t met me—” she started saying, but he interrupted.

  “If I hadn’t met you then I wouldn’t be here now. I wouldn’t want to kiss you more than I wanted to take my next breath. And you wouldn’t have to try and figure out a reason to stop me,” he said.

  Before Eva could come up with that reason Rico was out of his chair and walking towards her. She clasped her fingers, then pulled them apart, letting them fall beside her on the couch. Should she get up? Run? Call for help?

  “Rico,” she said.

  “Uh huh,” he replied as he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her up against him. “Your answer is taking too long.”

  When his lips touched hers Eva knew she was in trouble. How many nights had she dreamed of this kiss? She could close her eyes and remember the soft swipe of the beginning of his kisses. Soft, but confident, persistent and intoxicating. The quick touch of his tongue against hers would come next. She would hold her breath then, like jumping off a diving board and expecting to smack cleanly into the water. But then he would open his mouth, slanting over hers, taking her tongue on a wild and sensual ride of pure bliss. That’s when she began to drown, falling and falling deeper and deeper into him, without any hope of breaking free.

  The memory frightened her, but this kiss, right here and now, scared the living daylights out of her.

  Rico moved quickly, cutting the kiss short only so he could sit her back down on the couch. He knelt in front of her then, cupping her face in his hands.

  “Every day,” he said, his voice gruff. “Every second of every day, I think about you. I hear your name. I see your smile. I want your touch. Every. Damn. Day.”

  Eva could do nothing but breathe. Quick and shallow breaths as her body hummed with growing desire, her heart beating a painful rhythm because she knew that no matter how good this felt, it had to be a mistake.

  He was already pulling at the hem of her shirt. The extra-large white t-shirt that used to be Makai’s before she spilled paint on it and then claimed it as her own. He lifted it over her head, his hands immediately grasping her breasts through the neutral colored cups of her bra. Eva wanted to tell him to stop but damn, it felt so good. His thumbs rubbing over her taut nipples, just before he reached behind her and unsnapped the bra. When her breasts were free he kneaded them both as if they were some type of precious jewel. He stared down at her like he’d been thinking about her as much as she’d been thinking about him.

  “Rico,” she said his name again. In her mind she could hear it over and over and over again. In the moments that he made her come, the time she felt like she was flying, soaring through the air with pleasure, she would call out his name. “Please.”

  “Oh yes,” he said, leaning in closer. “Every bit of pleasure, my sweet. I’m going to give you every, single bit.”

  His tongue licked over the first nipple and Eva thought she would spontaneously combust at that very moment. Heat spread through her body like a ravage disease and she grabbed the back of his head to hold him right there. While one hand worked one breast, his mouth sucked the other, until she heard herself whimper uncontrollably. With his mouth still on her breast, his other hand moved to dig below the rim of her sweatpants. She felt like her panties had voluntarily slipped out of his way, leaving the path open for him, waiting for his touch. His fingers were swift and strong as he pushed through the plump lips, sliding easily in the cream her instant arousal had produced. When those fingers delved into her center, pressing gently against her slickened walls, Eva let her head fall back and moaned loudly.

  This was so good. In a few minutes he would strip her of all her clothes. He would climb on top of her and take her to a place where only he’d been able to take her before. It would feel so good and so right. She would love it.

  And then, it would be over. Again.

  She shook her head, but Rico did not stop. His mouth had moved from her breast and was tracing a very heated pa
th down her torso. He’d pulled his fingers from her then, lifting them to his mouth as he looked up at her. He suckled his damp digits while keeping his eyes on her and Eva shifted uncomfortably. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anyone in her life. Wanted him inside of her once more. She could ride him again, or maybe he’d ride her this time. Would he take her from the back or put her legs up on his shoulders while he pumped into her? Did it matter? As long as she came. As long as he came. As long as they came together.

  “Rico,” she said grasping his shoulders.

  “I’ve got you, sweetie. Just relax, I’ve got you,” he whispered, his hands already pushing her pants over her hips, his mouth dropping clever little kisses over her mound.

  “No,” she whispered and knew he hadn’t heard her. “No.”

  It was louder and more adamant and Rico definitely heard her this time because he stopped immediately, pulled back and looked up to her.

  “We can’t keep doing this,” she replied, pulling her pants back up immediately. “It’s not fair to either of us.”

  “What are you saying?” he asked, his facial expression as surprised as she was that she’d said this.

  Eva reached over the chair to find the shirt he’d taken off her. She hurriedly pulled it over her head and stood. “We know this is an impossible situation. So what’s the point in us continuing to go over the same issue?”

  “I don’t care that you’re a stripper, Eva,” he replied when he’d finally come to his feet. “I just don’t give a damn.”

  Eva nodded. “Because you’re now hoping that I’ll be a successful artist and I can stop working at the club,” she said.

  “I didn’t say that,” he replied.

  “But you’re thinking it,” she told him. “I know you are. I could see it in your eyes when you congratulated me. You think that’s the answer to everything.”

  “I think that’s another option for you, yes,” Rico said. “But the choice is yours. The choice has always been yours.”

  “And my choice is to live my life in the way that I have to. Do I hope that people love my paintings? Sure, I do. I’m nervous as hell about the entire show, but I’m also excited and ready to take this next step. But I’m not quitting the club. I made a promise,” she said.

  “Makai is an adult now. He’s doing well in school and he’s looking forward to his future. How much more do you think you owe him?” Rico asked her.

  “I owe him everything,” she said. “I stood between the caskets of my mother and my father, my arms stretched out so that I could touch both of them at the same time and I promised them. Nothing,” Eva continued, even when her lip began to quiver, “nothing is going to stop me from doing that. Not even you.”

  Chapter 10

  Three Weeks Later

  6:30 a.m.

  Rico: GM

  Eva: Morning to you.

  1:00 p.m.

  Eva: How’s your day going?

  Rico: The rollout went well. Sales should be good. How about yours?

  Eva: Finished the painting. Took me forever. Thinking about calling it ‘All Night Long’

  Rico: Can’t wait to see it.

  6:00 p.m.

  Eva: Cooking spaghetti and garlic bread. Kenya coming over.

  Rico: Sounds good. Stopping by my parents’ house tonight. Hope mom cooked.

  Eva: Freeloader. LOL

  Rico: No shame in my game.

  “Who are you texting and smiling at?” Gabriella asked.

  Rico looked up to see that she’d walked into the kitchen where he’d been sitting at the island enjoying a glass of lemonade.

  Most times when Rico came to his parents’ house, this was the first place he’d stop. It was habit since while he was growing up this room was the hub of the Bennett household. His parents’ had a large house on thirty acres of lush grassy land. It had been custom built thirty-five years ago with eight bedrooms, two offices, a home gym and theatre, a pool and his mother’s precious gardens. The estate was impressive and Beatriz had spared no expense on decorating it way back then, and whenever she deemed it was appropriate for what she called a ‘fresh look’. Still, the kitchen and family room combo was the heart of the home.

  The space was warm and welcoming with its wide planked light wood floors, pale gray walls and stark white cabinets. There was a ten foot long quartz island with wrought iron stools on one side. Across from the island were the state-of-the-art stainless steel appliances his mother absolutely needed to prepare all the delicious meals she fed her family, while along one entire wall were floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of the pool. Behind the island was a custom-made oak table that easily seated twelve. They’d shared many family meals here, using the formal dining room for holidays or parties only. On the other side of the table were two couches and two recliners, all centered around the massive rock framed fireplace.

  That’s where Gabriella was headed after she’d taken a bottled water from the refrigerator. Putting his phone into his pocket, Rico slipped off the stool and followed his sister across the room. He watched her sit on one of the comfortable couches and cross her legs before taking a seat across from her.

  “What have you been up to?” he asked when she reached for a book that had been right next to where she’d sat.

  The book was now on her lap as she opened her water and took a long drink. Capping the bottle and setting it on the end table she flattened a hand on the book.

  “Studying,” she told him.

  “Studying what this time?” Rico asked.

  Gabriella was not only the youngest Bennett child, she was the only one that had taken longer than the four, and in Rico’s instance, six years, to graduate college. This was due to her indecisive nature. A factor that also contributed to the ‘flighty’ reputation she’d earned in the Bennett household.

  “You know I’m studying interior design now,” she told him, with a roll of her eyes.

  Rico nodded. “I recall hearing something about that. So when are you going to be finished with those classes?”

  She’d been drumming her fingers over the book, watching him in a way that Rico wished she wouldn’t. The last time he’d been in a room with Gabriella she’d told him he was going through a mid-life crisis. He certainly did not want to have that conversation with her again.

  “Don’t change the subject,” she said without hesitation.

  “What subject? I thought I was making pleasant conversation. Isn’t that what you do while you’re waiting for dinner?”

  Gabriella narrowed her eyes at him and shook her head. “Mom’s not even finished cooking yet.”

  Rico knew that. He’d peaked into the oven when he’d come into the kitchen and saw the homemade chicken pot pie crust just turning a golden brown.

  “I know. That’s why I was relaxing until she finished. Then you came in and I figured it would be rude to ignore you,” he continued, knowing he was irritating her by evading what she obviously wanted to talk about.

  “You can ignore me all you want,” she said, “but I’ll bet you have no intention of ignoring whoever you were texting.”

  Rico didn’t reply, instead he looked out the window to the early evening sky.

  “Was it Eva?”

  He frowned because he couldn’t help it.

  “That’s right, I know all about Eva. Bree told me, since you obviously weren’t going to open your mouth about her,” Gabriella continued. “When really, you should be thanking me for sending you out to find some fun that weekend. If I hadn’t given you the kick in the butt you needed, you would have never gone to New York and thus, would not have met her.”

  She had a point there, but Rico wasn’t ready to concede.

  “I meet women all the time,” he told her.

  Gabriella nodded. “Right. You meet women and take them to art galleries and interview their brother for a job at the company, all the time.”

  “Damn, how did you know about the interview?” Rico asked, then regretted t
he fact that he was even admitting what she’d said had been correct.

  She smiled knowingly. “There are no secrets in this family, Rico. Especially not when it comes to someone’s love life. Hence the reason I don’t have one because you all would drive me crazy staying in my business.”

  “If you don’t want us in your personal business, maybe you should take note and stay out of ours,” he quipped.

  “Oh no you don’t,” she told him. “That is not even going to work with me. Now, are you going to hire her brother or not? He’ll probably do a good job.”

  “You don’t even work at Bennett Industries. So how would you know who would do a good job there or not?” he asked.

  She was wearing black sandals with her pink tipped toes on full display. Her foot dangled in the air as she bobbed the leg that was crossed over the other. “Alex told Monica he’d been coming to your office to speak to you and he saw, what’s his name? Makai, that’s it. He saw him coming out of your office, so he assumed you were interviewing him.”

  Rico sighed. He had interviewed Makai last week. Eva’s brother had called him one afternoon and they’d talked about his future aspirations briefly over the phone. Makai had driven to the office and they’d spent another hour and a half talking about his qualifications and education. Rico had suggested Makai continue with school to get his master’s degree and even hinted that there may be some tuition reimbursement available through the company, if he worked there. Makai had seemed genuinely interested, even if he was a bit leery about why Rico was offering in the first place. That meant the conversation had inevitably gone to Rico and his intentions towards Eva. He told the young man exactly what he was about to tell his sister.

  “Look, Eva Miller and I are just friends,” he said, looking pointedly at Gabriella.

  She immediately arched a brow and pursed her lips. “Friends?”

  “That’s what I said. And before you go on, I’m sure if I went through your phone right now I’d see strands of text messages between you and your ‘friends’.”


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